Westtown Evangelical Presbyterian Church
P.O. Box 299
813 State Route 284
Westtown, NY 10998
(845) 726-3922
Food Pantry
In Matthew 25:37, Jesus was asked, "When, Lord, did we ever see you hungry and feed you ..." Jesus answered, "I tell you whenever you did this for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, you did it for me!" (Matt.25:40)
As disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ we choose to serve and honor Him, so in April 2011 we opened a food pantry to help the needy in our community. This food pantry services the residents of Minisink and Greenville Townships. The Westtown Food Pantry is open on the third Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. until noon. Food can be picked up at the Community House located on the church property.
This food pantry is run on the generous donations of others. If you would like to help us make a difference or would like more information, you may contact the church at (845) 726-3922 and leave a message.
Food and monetary donations are always welcome. Thank you for your support.